KFJ 10 – The Journey – Modlitwa

Chose to share a message on a topic that has been very important during my faith journey, Prayer – Modlitwa.

What is Prayer?

I learned that prayer is a way of communicating or pleading with my Heavenly Father. I want to convey to my listeners that prayer is essential. We are Heavenly Father’s children, and He wants us to communicate with Him.


“As soon as we learn the true relationship in which we stand toward God (He is our Father, and we are His children), then at once, prayer becomes natural and instinctive on our part. Prayer is the act by which the Father’s and the child’s will are brought into correspondence.”
Bible Dictionary

You can learn more here.

In this episode, I used different scriptures concerning prayer that significantly impacted my journey.


Modlita – Prayer was written shortly after I joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It was inspired by a conversation I had with my father.

Lyrics Text
The translation is

O my Lord, if You want, I will go to places You’ll call me.
O, my Lord, You Know where You need me.

I am Your Creation, just like Flowers and Birds.
I am Your Masterpieces like Music and Wind
Thou created all world.

O my God, please hear me; I want to thank Thee!
O my God, Thou knowest my Soul.

Everything you created has a Mission to fulfill; the
Work Thou divided all the creatures know.
You are the Hope that we need.

O my Father, please teach me how to be obedient.
O, my Father. I want to follow Christ.

Thank Thee for my life, for the food I can eat,
for my family, and for the clothing.
Thank Thee for my “cross.”
You are the Eternal Love.

Holy Spirit, please guide me through my life.
Holy Spirit, I need Thy strength.

Thou Friendship is steadfast; Thou watches me with Thy Love.
When I walk with Thee, I feel happy.
However, I am sad when I disappoint Thee.
You are always with me because you Love me.

Let everything be Thy will – Amen.

Read full lyrics here

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