KFJ20 – The Journey – Reflection on Christmas in Poland and America

In this episode, I chose to speak about Christmas during my childhood in Poland, mostly during communism. I will also share how I included Polish traditions in my Christmases in America and what it was like during my first Christmas experience while serving as a missionary.

In this episode, I chose to speak about Christmas during my childhood in Poland, mostly during communism. I will also share how I included Polish traditions in my Christmases in America and what it was like during my first Christmas experience while serving as a missionary.

Christmas in Poland is celebrated from December 24 to December 26: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, or Szczepan’s Day (St. Stephen). During “Boxing Day,” some families would go out and do service or share some of the gifts with those who are less fortunate. Since we didn’t get much, this wasn’t something we did; however, we did serve others. It is also a time for more caroling and spending time with families.

What are your memories of Christmas? What are the most memorable experiences for you, dear listener?

Christmas is about remembering Christ—his gift of Love- and how I show up for Him. Not only during Christmas but every day.

What is my gift to Him?

I close this episode with a song that I composed just recently. “I was a Stranger” is based on a scripture from Mathew 25.

“…Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren/sisters, ye have done it unto me.”

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