KFJ 5 – The Journey – Relationships

As I was thinking about what to share with you, I felt inspired to talk about the relationships I observed, built, kept, and let go of during my journey. I want to express gratitude for the lessons I learned from family, friends, and other people I met; they all are meaningful.

Q: What do you think of your relationships, dear listener? What does it mean to you to have or be in a relationship with someone? What is your relationship with God? – Something to ponder about.

In this episode, I will mention a few accounts of my siblings and me. Some relationships are more united than others, and it all begins at own family.


“Our relationship with God is different from earthly relationships, but it is similar in one way: it requires maintenance. Some of the building blocks necessary for healthy earthly relationships are the same building blocks that help us stay close to our Heavenly Father, such as communication, love, service, and time.”
by Linda Clyde

You can learn more here.

Lyrics & Music

I am closing with a song titled “Little Dove”.

Listen at kasiasmusic.com